For the quickest way to deter which appropriate Health Professional you should see for your medical problem, please visit our Who Do I See? section on the home screen of our website.
On the day and routine appointments

We offer both face to face and telephone appointments, these are available on the day or as a pre bookable appointment. The Reception team will ask you some questions regarding your medical condition. This is to enable you to be seen by the best Health Care Professional regarding your condition.
To avoid waiting times to request an appointment, we offer an online triage system. This can be accessed by clicking onto the following image. Once the form has been submitted this will then be triaged and you will be contacted by SMS the best outcome for your health requirement.
Late Arrivals

If you arrive more than 5 minutes late for your appointment you will be asked to re-book.

If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform the practice as soon as possible in order for us to offer the appointment to another patient.
You will get an appointment reminder 1 working day before your appointment. Please use the link to cancel your appointment if you can no longer attend.
Transport to appointments
Dial-A-Ride offers transport to and from appointments for a reduced cost. This service caters only to the elderly and disabled and more information can be found on their website at: http://handbct.org.uk/dialaride.html or alternatively you can contact them via phone on: 01455 250462 (Monday to Friday at 08:30am – 13:00pm).
If you have been involved in a Road Traffic Accident and declined treatment at the scene.
A GP appointment may be necessary after a Road Traffic Accident where you have declined treatment at the scene – this should be ideally sought within one working day.

Under the Road Traffic Act the GP practice can charge a fee per person. This fee should be paid by the driver of the vehicle and may be claimed back under the driver’s vehicle insurance.
Please inform the Reception team on making an appointment that you require to be seen after a Road Traffic Accident to ensure the correct protocol is followed. Failure to disclose this information may result in your appointment being cancelled and rescheduled.